2013 Labor Day Dash

Thank you for your participation in the
2013 Labor Day Dash!
Whether as a sponsor, a runner, or a volunteer,
this event can’t happen without everyone involved.
2013 Sponsors
Bartlett Examiner * Kelley, Kelley & Kelley * Republic Services
Village of Bartlett * Bartlett Boy Scout Troop 66
Associates for Oral, Maxillofacial & Implant Surgery, Ltd. * Bartlett Vision * Dee’s Catering * Dick Pond Athletics * Elmhurst Chicago Stone * Integra Mortgage Corp. * Joseph Karl-Nationwide Insurance * “Stick with Tik” * TuKaiz, LLC * You’re #1, Inc.
Advance Health & Wellness * American Chartered Bank * Bartlett Rotary Club * Bartlett Volunteer Fire Association * Bill Tiknis * Bracht’s Place * CWT Culligan Wheaton * Disc Jockey Revolutions * John Sias-Edward Jones * Get Fresh Produce * Law Office of Robert M. Kaplan, P.C. * P.S. Accounting, Inc. * Sandy Stewart-Re/Max Suburban * Royal Coach Ltd. * VFW Post 11018 * V & V Paesano Pizzeria * Future Windows
2013 Labor Day Dash Results